Erin and Michael scouted around for a place to take the dog ashore- it was all marsh grass except for a small patch of mud near a duck blind. We wanted to cross the sound early so we got up before dawn, took Tazzie over to the only spot of land within 5 miles of us, then left to cross the sound.
We had a nice trip across the sound and made it to a town called Belhaven. The next day we stayed there and our friend Kirk Johnson came and spent the night with us. Belhaven is a really small town, so we just spent the time playing games and visiting with Kirk. We didn't get as much rain as predicted, but a front came through, and our anemometer hit 59 kts (64mph). We're still hoping to validate our anemometer, because that seems really fast. The front that moved through dropped the temperature 20 degrees, so the next morning it was a cold dinghy ride to take Kirk back to shore.
We left Belhaven and motor-sailed to Oriental, where we were fortunate enough to get a spot at the town's free dock. Some good friends of ours, the Edwards, live in Oriental, and provided us with transportation, laundry, and hot showers. Their two daughters, Nicole and Alexis, spent the day with Christine, Erin and Michael, exploring different creeks in the two dinghies. There is a very well-stocked marine consignment store here, and Mom was able to buy a fork. Somehow, she left for a six-month cruise with a family of five, with only four forks. Unfortunately, the only water-heater they had was too big for our boat. Oriental is a great little town, but the frost on the ground this morning reminded us to keep moving south.
1 comment:
Good to here from you! So Sheet Music is your new name? good choice :) sounds like your moving quickly we are soon to cross to the bahamas! All we have to do is a long long long list, wait for a weather window (doesnt seem like any soon) and go to the Bahamas. I am suprised I made it sound that simple.
-Elizabeth, Messenger
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