Wednesday, May 11, 2011
To see what we've learned...
Next post will be from Havre de Grace!! See you all soon!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Almost Home!
We put in some long days after that, moving north. Wednesday we were on the south side of the Alligator River. Thursday we moved up to Broad Creek, which is north of the Albemarle Sound. Our original plan was to cross the sound Friday morning, but because Friday's weather was a little bit rough, we decided to put in the extra miles and cross it Thursday evening. We were all very glad we did.
Friday we stayed at the free wall at Great Bridge. We didn't think we were going to be able to stay there at first, because when we were waiting for the bridge to open right on the south side of the wall, the wall was full. Fortunately, a couple of the boats that were tied up to the wall were also waiting for the bridge, so they left, and we were able to get a spot on the wall. We went out for dinner at the Mexican Restaurant no more than a couple of blocks away. We have gone there every time we tie up at the wall - it's got great food at reasonable prices! At this point, we were traveling with a boat called White Seal, a 36 ft boat with a 17 year old girl on board. We had previously met them in Georgetown, and they are a lot of fun! They joined us for dinner, as well as a celebratory ice cream at Dairy Queen, because it was my mom's birthday the next day.
Saturday morning we left bright and early, wanting to arrive at our free slip in Hampton early. Last year, while traveling down the Chesapeake Bay, our friends on Messenger signed us up for a free night at the Hampton marina during the Annapolis boat show. We greatly appreciated that, as it made it much more convenient when my Uncle came to visit us. He lives in Virginia, and made the relatively short drive over to visit us. We had a fun visit, and he took my dad and brother to the store to stock up on some groceries that we needed to get home. However, the slip was right behind a bar, and they had loud music playing till all hours of the morning.
Sunday we left early and headed for Crisfield, MD. Crisfield is, unfortunately, a dying town. Last time we were in Crisfield, (which was on our last trip 7 years ago) we were able to go to the crab plant and watch them pick crabs and such. We were not able to do that this time however, because we arrived so late and they were already closed.
Monday we headed for Solomons. This was our first stop on the trip down, and we have been here many times for Trawler Fest's, which we used to come to every year. We had to take a layover day here, because the weather forecast for today was 10-15 kts of wind, which isn't to bad, but it was on our nose. There were also supposed to be 2-3 foot seas, also on our nose. That means we would have been pounding into them the whole day, with no sails to steady us. So we opted to stay here for the day. Christine, Mom and I took the bus to Calvert Cliffs, a state park famous for the sharks teeth that have been found there. We each found a couple, although they were not very big.
Tomorrow we plan on heading to Still Pond, an anchorage about 2 1/2 hours away from home. We should be able to make the run, although it's kind of long at 63 miles. But the wind looks slightly more favorable tomorrow, so hopefully we'll be able to put some sail up. Our current plan is to arrive home Thursday morning, but of course, we are boaters, so our plans are set in Jello!
A toast - To old friends and new! (with sparkling grape juice :) ) |
Dinghy water fights! |
Michael, Christine, Alexis, and Nicole sailing the F-J's! |
Sunday, May 8, 2011
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Thursday, May 5, 2011
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Wednesday, May 4, 2011
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Saturday, April 30, 2011
moving north!
For the next several days, we put in lots of miles, which was challenging because we had to work around bridge opening schedules and live-firing exercises at Camp LeJeune. We arrived in Oriental Thursday mid morning, a few hours before severe wind hit. We had a great south wind, and sailed across the Neuse River at 8.5 knots. We've enjoyed spending time with our old cruising friends, Green Dolphin, and we visited with Ruahk who is keeping there boat in New Bern for a few weeks. On Friday Michael and I (Christine) went sailing with Alexis and Nicole, to try out some new Flying-Js they got for their sailing school. We had a great time and lots of wind. We're planning to stay here a few more days, then continue our push north. We're hoping spring catches up with us again... we've had to dig out the sweatshirts!
Charleston, SC
cruising up the ICW |
The walk to the Battery was 'fun'. We were caught in a major downpour and were soaked. This is me dumping water out of my shoes. |
We stopped at a really cool frozen yogurt shop in Charleston. |
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
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Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Some pictures from the past week...
Saturday, April 23, 2011
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Wednesday, April 20, 2011
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Monday, April 18, 2011
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Cumberland Island; 4/16-4/18
Here are some pics from Cumberland Island...
Saturday, April 16, 2011
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Friday, April 15, 2011
Crossing back to the States
We picked a calm day (maybe too calm) for the crossing, so we had to motor-sail the whole day. It was pretty slow moving until we hit the Gulf Stream, where we turned north and hit a record breaking 10.7 knots. Midway through the stream, we wrote a note, put it in a glass bottle, and tossed it overboard. We're hoping someone in some far-away place finds it and contacts us. The highlight of the trip was being entertained by a pod of 12 dolphins who were swimming and playing around our boat. They spent a lot of time riding our bow waves and swimming under the boat.
We are now at St. Augustine, beginning to work our way north on the ICW, stopping at Vero Beach and New Smyrna. It's been interesting adjusting to the culture shock. There is so much noise and so many lights. The first night we were wondering who turned out the stars. However, we certainly have enjoyed Subway, Chinese food, and free showers and water, and cheap laundry. We are still traveling with Diamond, and we had a grand reunion with Ruahk when we caught up with them here in St. Augustine. Ruahk has since left for a three day passage outside to North Carolina, and Diamond is going to be staying here for a week, touring Cape Canaveral and going to Disney. We'll start our trek north tomorrow at first light.
Pictures will be coming soon!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Man O'War to Green Turtle!
Man O'War was a nice little community and Friday night we went to a community concert. The kids had fun with some of the Bahamian teenagers, so now we have some Bahamian Facebook friends! We also sampled some more Bahamian food after the concert.
The Bahamas Near Year celebration is called Junkanoo. All of the Bahamians dress up in costumes. My dad found a hat displayed at the restaurant, and decided to try it on! Thankfully, he didn't try on the matching skirt!
Some of our friends have been collecting conch, because they enjoy making conch fritters. We collected a few ourselves, because the shells are gorgeous, and we knew our friends would use the conch meat! While the conch fritters taste good, the process of getting the meat from the shell to the table is not exactly appetizing!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
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Friday, April 8, 2011
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Thursday, April 7, 2011
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Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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Saturday, April 2, 2011
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Spanish Wells to Hopetown Abacos! 3/19-3/28
While waiting for good weather to cross to the Abacos, we took our dinghys to an island next to Spanish Wells, and walked three miles to a cave. This cave was a temporary home for some people who were shipwrecked in the 1600's who came from England to escape religious persecution.
Michael with the lobster on his spear |
We had to leave a first light for our 10 hour day to the Abacos. It was rolly, so we kept the Dramamine close at hand! The next morning on our way to Marsh Harbor, we dropped the hook near a reef so Mom and I (Erin) could go snorkeling. It was probably the prettiest reef we've seen. Along with many anglefish and other types of fish, we saw a spotted eagle ray and two baby sea turtles.
Our next destination was a quaint harbor village called Hopetown. The cottages are painted with bright colors and all the streets are the width of a golf cart! While exploring the town we relaxed in some cute colorful chairs we found on a dock.
Hopetown is famous for being home to one of the three remaining manually operated lighthouses in the world. It is open for visitors during the day, and we took the opportunity to climb it's 101 stairs all the way to the top!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
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Wednesday, March 23, 2011
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Friday, March 18, 2011
Alabaster Bay to Spanish Wells; 3/13 -3/18
Approaching Current Cut |
Mom and Dad were impressed with the colorful, well kept homes here, but the highlight for us were the golf carts available to rent. |
We had met a family who was going across the island to deliver Creole Bibles to a Haitian settlement, and we tagged along with them
While the girls were visiting with the Haitian kids, Michael, Dad, Mr. Robnik (from Diamond) and his daughter Emily, went out lobstering.
Both Michael and Mr. Robnik brought home lobsters, and they were both ecstatic.
After dinner one evening, we were treated to a show by a pod of dolphins who swam around our boat for an hour.
The moon is particularly close to the earth right now, which only happens once every 18 years. This means that the tides are more extreme, and Mom and Erin decided to take advantage of the really low tide, and enjoyed an afternoon of shelling.
Mom found a huge variety of unusual shells, but Erin wanted to see how many bubble shells she could find.... |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Monday, March 14, 2011
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
Rock Sound, 3/11-3/12
Cape Eleuthera, Eleuthera. 3/10-3/11
They were growing sweet potatoes and peanuts on the roof of a building. |
Us kids observing the various fish related experiments. |
More ways that the Island school is conserving energy and resources... using the fertilized fish waste water to grow lettuce and other greens |